Working to take a shower

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Everything is dry around us due to the lack of rain and the terrible heat during the summer. People, children, nature, animals, all cry out and pray to God for the little rain that hasn’t fallen for months. Everything is dry around, the wells are empty, the canals and ponds have long dried up, people are desperate for some coolness and for rain and water. Dozens of barefoot, scantily clad children gather under an older tree, trying to find something to play with, and they say that they heard that the holidays are over and they keep being told that school is starting…

The sad answer is that this year we can’t offer anything for them, for the school either, no supplies, no school bags, no clothes and shoes, resources are very very limited and we have no way.  But, thank God that at least we can help them to be clean and stop walking around full of lice and unwashed among other children. Praise God ! The wood truck has arrived at their camp and begins the unloading process and arranging the wood.

Thank you very much, dear friends!! Many people gather and many help to unload..
Somewhere from behind a corner of the hut among the other participants in unloading wood two or three more shy and withdrawn children appear, they have recently arrived in their camp but they heard that they can wash and take a hot shower if they follow the rules and help with wood… They approach shyly and ask me if they can also unload that they will go to school and at home they don’t have a bathroom or water, they don’t know what it’s like to shower but the other children told them that it’s good and that they will have clean hair and they will go home and to school clean and sanitized.

Sab is 7 years old and has never taken a hot shower before, but now he unloads wood and logs so that he can take a shower on Sunday night as school starts on Monday and he wants to be clean on the first day of school among the other children.

Dien is his cousin, he is also 6 years old and they both carry wood and work with energy because they know that for this they will be able to take a hot shower.  Chrisi is just 4 years old and he helps too.

It’s hard work, the wood is long and heavy but they are determined to put in all the effort and get involved to the point of exhaustion just so they can take a hot shower.. Thank you Link to Hope for your support and for standing with us and these neglected and marginalized people, children and families.
They can’t do anything without your support and donations, but with you by their side their life is a little better and more beautiful.

May God bless you and reward your love and sacrifice.

Project Coordinator

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