Out of Shoeboxes comes food
When the team from the UK gave out shoeboxes in Moldova last year, we came across this family. We couldn’t find them at first at they were hidden at the back of the building all crowded into one room. The family have six children, five boys and a girl; C. (15 years old), G. (8 years old), I. (7 years old), D. (6 years old), M. (3 years old), and the baby boy M. is 1 month. L. is a housewife, cares for home and their children. G. takes care of sheep, sells cheese and with this money he can maintain his family. The older boy C., after school goes to the village to a family and works to help the family with some money earned after work day. They live in a very difficult conditions, they have no adequate living conditions. All 8 live in a single room, separated by a stove, from which they have heat.
When we gave them the shoebox (ok we gave them two) they were very happy that we visited them and thanked us. They were very happy to talk about their lives and their situation. They adored everything that was in the shoeboxes and Veronica our project manager told them that they wanted to continue to visit them and help them when they had the opportunity. Well the opportunity arose when the extra funds from the shoeboxes were made available and they were able to go back with a food parcel for the family which included other hygienic products and detergents. Veronica said “We spent a nice time with them. They have wonderful children. G. and L. and their children were very thankful for our visit, we brought things that they really needed in these difficult days. We pray that they also understand that there is indeed a God who loves and takes care of their needs. We want to encourage you that all these goods are a blessing for many families in these quite complicated times. Thank you very much and God bless you for the package with food and all the other hygienic and detergents”
The family are now on a list for Link to Hope to continue to help them and other families with these food parcels as long as funds allow. We will return again with shoeboxes of course later this year.