Shoebox Delivery Note
For people with over 5 shoeboxes please fill in the Delivery Form below. This will then generate a Thank You poster that will be sent out to you. If you have less than 5 shoeboxes please leave the £3’s on the box and take them to your nearest Area Receiver or Group Organiser.
To send the total of the £3’s to Link to Hope please either:-
PAY ONLINE – The payment form is here OR
SEND BY BACS TRANSFER – by BACS transfer to us or send a cheque made out to Link to Hope clearing stating who it is from and for how many shoeboxes .
Our Bank details are Natwest Bank, Sort Code 60-24-31 Account Number 12677949
POST A CHEQUE made out to Link to Hope. Then please address the envelope to Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal, Link House, Ferring Street, Ferring, West Sussex, BN12 5JP
NB – The total you are sending us should be three times the amount of boxes you have. Please make it very clear where the money is being sent from