Shoebox Photos UK 2022Lisa Hector2023-01-04T15:14:05+00:00
Each year the Shoebox Appeal involves many thousands of supporters and volunteers. Here are just a few of those who are involved in the Shoebox Appeal 2022. We are currently gathering our Shoebox Delivery Photos and they will go up onto our website soon.
Alan & Libby Risby, Horsham Holy Trinity Church 2
Bridget & Robert Mitchell, Hinehead
Charlotte - Michael Jones
Kate & Rob Warehouse Volunteers
The packing training begins
Mr Turner, Our Lady of England, Storrington
Outer cartons being offloaded
Pam Brooks - Rustington Parish Church
Pamela Durrant & Celia Poetz from St James, N.Lancing
Sarah Bridgewaters Children Shoeboxes
Volunteers in the warehouse