Social Care, Berezovka, Ukraine

Cluj Napoca, Romania

With the ongoing war in Ukraine, this Social Care project is working with Roma adults and children in three locations: Odessa, Berezovka and Poplavka. The Roma families are discriminated against in Ukraine and have no access to humanitarian aid that other organisations distribute. Through this project families in these areas are supported in a variety of ways with education, food packages and the means to earn a living.

LATEST UPDATE  – August 2024

The work of Maxim and his team in Odessa is actively ongoing in three localities:

In Odessa the team continue to work with children and adults every Saturday, feeding the children and then running educational classes for them to help improve their knowledge. They continue to organise excursions for the children so they can experience something positive during these difficult times.

In addition to the work already being done in Poplavak, there is currently a camp being held by their youth with about 40 children attending. This has been very enjoyable and engaging.

Classes are help every Friday in Berezovka for adults and children. For those people in great need, the team distribute food packages, and for families with small children, they provide nappies.

LATEST UPDATE – March 2024

Maxim Dzhum, the project co-ordinator, sent an update on the work being done in the various areas. In addition Maxim told us:

‘Your funds will greatly help us because many people are now without means of subsistence. There is very little work left, and many organizations that started working in 2022-2023 are now drastically reducing humanitarian aid and practically not distributing food packages. Everything has shifted more towards the Zaporizhzhia region, towards the Kherson region, where the front line and the so-called “gray zone” are. Therefore, your help here is very relevant. We are very grateful to you for continuing to help us for a long time, especially during the war. Thank you very much!’



In Odessa, the work with children focuses on providing an education as many Roma children were excluded from online learning due to COVID and the war. Between 8 and 16 children attend these classes once a week, which are planned in a way that is interesting for them to keep them engaged in their learning, and sometimes they are taken on excursions to help distract from the situation. The project also works with their parents.

In addition, care workers travel to villages distributing food packages and other vital resources where possible.


Two Roma sisters have organised a Sunday school in Poplavka which is attended by many chidren. They hold choir sessions, sing and tell the children bible stories and motivate the children to continue their education and learn about God.


In Berezovka the ministry is organised by a Roma missionary and his team who support the Roma families who remain in the area. They work with adults and children providing whatever support they can. The missionary has a small farm with chickens and pigs and it is hoped the project will be able to buy tools in the Spring so he can earn a living and therefore provide additional support.