Alan & Libby Risby, Horsham Holy Trinity Church 2
Bridget & Robert Mitchell, Hinehead
Carol & John Elliott
Charlotte - Michael Jones
Gary & Jacinta White
Goring Methodist Church
Hazel & Teddy
MIke & Jean Lambert
Our Warehouse Volunteers
Kate & Rob Warehouse Volunteers
Mastering the tape gun
Dave & Fred
The packing training begins
A packed transit
Mr & Mrs Brumsby
Chris with his shoeboxes
Lindsay & David Nutting
Liz Walby
Lynn Tiller NLC
Warehouse Volunteers
Mr Turner, Our Lady of England, Storrington
Outer cartons being offloaded
Outer cartons arriving
Pam Brooks - Rustington Parish Church
Pamela Durrant & Celia Poetz from St James, N.Lancing
Rosemary Cutbush
Sara Tapp
Sarah Bridgewaters Children Shoeboxes
Sheila Brewer
Shoebox Hospital
Sue Walker- Cranleigh
Volunteers in the warehouse
Warehouse Volunteers Day