Adenas House
Peters Story "During December, I was providing our first Christmas project that Link to Hope had funded, providing hot meals for elderly and disabled. On the very first day, I met a young lady [...]
Out of Shoeboxes comes food
When the team from the UK gave out shoeboxes in Moldova last year, we came across this family. We couldn't find them at first at they were hidden at the back of the building all [...]
Bulgarian Soup Kitchen
We work in a very poor village called Chirpan in Bulgaria. We were able with your help, to open a soup kitchen for the very poorest children. It is open from November - March [...]
26,417 Shoeboxes of love
We are delighted that our final grand total is 26,417 shoeboxes which is up from last year. In the cost of living crisis and so many terrible events happening in the world, we are very [...]
2 for 1
UPDATE. Some of you will remember that recently we were told about a girl called Andreea, 25 years old, she could only see 30% with one eye and nothing with the other eye. She was [...]
Bulgarian Summer Camp Success!
A big thank you to everyone that responded to our appeal to raise funds for the Bulgarian Summer Camp. Link to Hope and Door of Hope had visited a village called Chirpan earlier in [...]
Pigs, Chickens & Heat
We have a project in the village of Berezovka in Ukraine. A few years ago we helped Max our project manager to buy a small house in the village. There, homework lessons took place but [...]
Update on the I AM Project
Firstly thank you so much for giving to the I Am Project. What started off as a bid to get 50 children identity papers was rather highjacked by the Ukrainian war and the situation changing [...]